NLP Beta
Your feedback is important to us! If you have any suggestions, comments, or feedback, please contact us. You can send your feedback directly to this email address: We look forward to your valuable input!
Tripod with fixture; at right, monogram.
Legend: Object
<OBJECT ref="">Tripod</OBJECT> with fixture; at right, monogram.
label | id | type | Your feedback is important to us! If you have any suggestions, comments, or feedback, please contact us. You can send your feedback directly to this email address: We look forward to your valuable input!
Tripod | OBJECT | |
@prefix dcterms: <> . @prefix ns1: <> . @prefix rdf: <> . @prefix rdfs: <> . @prefix skos: <> . @prefix xsd: <> . rdf:Bag a rdfs:Class . rdf:Statement a rdfs:Class . rdfs:Class a rdfs:Class . <> a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf <> ; skos:prefLabel "Interieur-Furniture"^^xsd:string . ns1:hasAppearance a rdf:Property . ns1:hasIconography a rdf:Property . dcterms:identifier a rdf:Property . dcterms:publisher a rdf:Property . dcterms:title a rdf:Property . rdf:li a rdf:Property . rdf:object a rdf:Property . rdf:predicate a rdf:Property . rdf:subject a rdf:Property . rdf:type a rdf:Property . rdfs:subClassOf a rdf:Property . skos:prefLabel a rdf:Property . <> ns1:hasAppearance [ a rdf:Bag ; rdf:li <> ] ; ns1:hasIconography [ a rdf:Bag ] . <> a <> ; dcterms:identifier "object_id=153" ; skos:prefLabel "Tripod"^^xsd:string .