10th-12th November 2020

Welcome to Bulgarian Numismatic Readings! - An online event.

The international conference "History and Society in Numismatic Perspectives", where members of our CN team take part, will take place on 10th-12th November 2020, at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”.

Its aim is to set the beginning of regular meetings on coinage and coin circulation, economy, trade, finances, etc. of the past of Southeastern Europe from Antiquity to the Ottoman period (6th century BC – 19th century). The conference is organized by the Faculty of History at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", the National Archaeological Institute with Museum at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, the Regional History Museum Sofia, and Fibank. You can already watch the presentations on the BulgNR youtube channel and leave comments or questions. The live discussion sessions take place according to the conference program schedule.

Author: Ulrike Peter